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Understanding Veterinary Acupuncture and How it Helps Pets

Posted by Yushira Budhram on


When it comes to taking good care of your companion pet, you have access to a wealth of treatment options. However, many pet owners prefer to take a more natural approach to care by working with a holistic vet, and veterinary acupuncture may be a part of that. What is veterinary acupuncture, how does it work, and what condition can this alternative therapy help? Here is a closer look.

What is veterinary acupuncture?

An animal's body has specific points that may offer specific healing responses when they are stimulated. Acupuncture involves inserting tiny needles through the skin at these points in order to generate the desired response. Acupuncture has been a trusted alternative therapy around the planet for thousands of years. And while the therapy may mostly be associated with humans, some of the same benefits if the therapy applies to animals.

During acupuncture, the vet will place thin needles at specific depths into the skin tissue at predetermined points. The needles affect the central nervous system in different ways, depending on both placement and the duration of stimulation. In many cases, the stimulation can promote the release of endorphins, possibly encourage blood flow, and even generate the release of certain hormones.

What is treated with veterinary acupuncture?


Veterinary acupuncture may be recommended by a holistic vet for a number of reasons. Primarily, the treatment is used to help with problems of musculoskeletal nature, such as arthritis or traumatic nerve injuries. However, therapy with acupuncture may be beneficial for both cats and dogs with a number of specific health concerns. A few examples:

         - Feline asthma
         - Gastrointestinal issues
         - Neurological problems or limitations
         - Skin issues in both cats and dogs
         - Reproductive issues in both cats and dogs

        Regular, routine acupuncture sessions may also be useful for general wellness for a pet. For example, some veterinarians recommend acupuncture to lower the risks of tendon injuries or muscular problems. Some vets even use the therapy to help with emotional wellness or stress.

        Who provides acupuncture for pets?

        Even though you may find several people that offer acupuncture for pets, it is important that you entrust this alternative therapy to only a properly trained veterinarian. Acupuncture is incredibly safe, but someone with improper training may not have adequate skills to do the procedure properly. Remember, differences in anatomy and even the breed should be considered before acupuncture is considered as a viable treatment option for a condition.

        Get an In-Store Holistic Vet Consultation to Find Out More

        At Aleyr, we put our focus on taking care of animals the way nature intended. Acupuncture can be a valuable tool when pets are not otherwise responding well to other treatments. If you are interested in finding out if veterinary acupuncture could help your pet, book an appointment with our holistic vet today.

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