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Energy Treatments: What is it and how is it Essential for your Animal?

Posted by Yushira Budhram on

What is Energy Medicine exactly? Energy Medicine is based on the foundational understanding that the root of health problems can be traced back to the body's energies and mirrored in the body's energy system. This means these problems and issues can be improved and even healed by working to shift these energies. 

With Energy Medicine for animals you can:

  • Help relieve your pets pain
  • Use powerful techniques to treat your animals injuries and wounds
  • Find the best diet that works for your animal to help sooth all the gut issues they may be experiencing
  • Tap into ancient wisdom and ways to help alleviate your pet’s skin issues, so they are no longer scratching and itching
  • Improve the sensitivity in your hands and hone your ability to sense and feel what your pets need, so you can bring comfort and a feeling of safety to them
  • Help your pet deal with stress, anxiety, fear or issues resulting from past neglect or abuse, so they can be happy and energetic on a daily basis

Your pets have energy systems just like humans do. And your animal will benefit greatly from this practical and time-tested healing method that builds and expands on ancient techniques from around the world such as acupuncture and chakra healing.

And Aleyr is honored to be bringing this course to you in our Journey Room. By bringing Energy Medicine and combining it with our Bioresonance Therapy and scans (read about that here.) You will walk away with tools and resources to help your animal. You will feel empowered by expanding your knowledge. And the biggest takeaway will be that you will deepen the bond between you and your animal. Can you imagine being even closer to your best friend? Understanding your pets energy and having simple tools to aid them into healthier versions, will deepen your connection.

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